Sunday, December 18, 2011

Real silent android app

Do you have the problem with your android phone when some times you will put your phone in silent and music player  starts automatically by mistake ??
For me this is a really Dangerous  problem because in my collage mobile phone is strictly prohibited .
So I am in serch of an software /app that silent my media volume when i will silent my phone .
Here is the application which is developed by  Daniel Velazco  it actually silences your phone when you mute the ringer volume. So next time you silence ringer volume, your media volume will be silenced automatically**!
From Market:
Battery-friendly background app that will automatically mute the media volume on your phone when you change the ringer to silent.
I am using this app for a week and there is no issues at all   ,this is fully free application and you can download it from market from link below
**Important: This does not silence your alarm. It didn’t silence our alarm and it shouldn’t silence yours either. Still, be sure to confirm this on your own device, we wouldn’t want you to miss an alarm in the morning on a critical workday. :)

also visit our techno-apps website for android applications for free .

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